The last labyrinth of 2016, December 28th, just off Bee Caves Road in Austin, TX.
Plus a list of books read in 2016, which I would like to exceed in 2017. (Recommendations welcome.)
Lisa Ciccarello, I Only Thought of the Farm
Dean Young, 31 Poems
James Grinwis, Exhibit of Forking Paths
Anis Shivani, My Tranquil War
Linda Bierds, The Ghost Trio (partial read)
Lyn Hejinian, The Language of Inquiry (first part)
Audiobook: Brene Brown: Rising Strong
Bookshelf revisit: C.D. Wright, Steal Away
" " Further Adventures with You
Foucault: Discipline and Punish
Lyn Hejinian: The Language of Inquiry (second part)
C. S. Lewis: A Grief Observed
Pauline Boss: Ambiguous Loss
Jennifer L. Knox: Days of Shame and Failure
Necropastorals: Mary Austin Speaker
Some Planet: Jamie Mortara
Poets and Pints one year Anthology
Verlyn Klinkenborg: Several Short Sentences About Writing
Franny Choi: Floating, Brilliant, Gone
Bookshelf revisit: Kazim Ali: Fasting for Ramadan
Audiobook: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah
Lyn Hejinian: The Language of Inquiry (last part)
Mary Karr: The Art of Memoir
Steve Roggenbuck: Live my Lief
Bookshelf Revisit: Nick Flynn: Another Bullshit Night in Suck City
Upton Sinclair: The Jungle
Audiobook: Roxanne Gay: Bad Feminist
Wendy Xu: You Are Not Dead
Mary Karr: Lit
Jennifer Tamayo: Red Missed Aches....
Henri Michaux transl. by Paige Taggart: I Am Writing to You from Another Country
Juliet Patterson: Epilogue
Brian Blanchfield: Proxies
Audiobook: David Foster Wallace: Infinite Jest (1/5th)
Hieu Minh Nguyen: This Way to the Sugar
Lee Ann Brown: Polyverse
Laura's unpublished manuscript
Luke Pingel: Happy Apocalypse Day manuscript
Gary McDowell: Mysteries in a World that Thinks there are None
Emily St. John Mandel: Station Eleven
Michael Robins: Ladies & Gentlemen
Audiobook: Vincent Pedre: Happy Gut
Brett's manuscript
Nicelle Davis: The Walled-Up Wife
Franz Kafka: Aphorisms
Ed Skoog: Rough Day
Mary Biddinger: O Holy Insurgency
Juan Felipe Herrera: Facegames
Audiobook: Zadie Smith: White Teeth
Thomas Foster: How to Read Literature Like a Professor
Cole Swensen: Ours
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz: Enigmas
Hugh Behm-Steinberg: The Opposite of Work
Dorothea Laskey: Black Life
Leslie Adrienne Miller: Y
Haley Lasche: Where it Leads
Audiobook: Ta-Nehisi Coates: Between the World and Me
Joni Tevis: the World is on Fire
Francine Sterle: What Thread?
Robin Coste Lewis: Voyage of the Sable Venus
Sun Yung Shin, Ed: A Good Time for the Truth: Race in Minnesota
Katie Rauk: Buried Choirs
Diane Seuss: Wolf Lake, White Gown Blown Open
Karen Babine: Water and What we Know
Audiobook: Patti Smith: M Train
Lydia Yuknavich: the Chronology of Water (half)
DJ Dolack: Whittling a New Face in the Dark
Timothy Liu: Burnt Offerings
Diane Seuss: Four Legged Girl
Sarah Manguso: Ongoingness
Bookshelf revisit: Brooklyn Copeland: Borrowed House
Audiobook: Haruki Murakami: the wind-up Bird Chronicles
Ruth Ozeki: My Year of Meats
Shane McCrae: In Canaan
Inger Christensen: Alphabet (reread)
Sarah Manguso: Two Kinds of Decay
Seamus Heaney trans. Sophocles: A Burial at Thebes (reread)
Theresa Hak Kyung Cha: Dictee
Inger Christensen: It
MC Hyland: Mississippi Walk Poems
Li-Young Lee: Behind my Eyes (reread)
Lydia Yuknavivich: The Chronology of Water (half)
Plus a list of books read in 2016, which I would like to exceed in 2017. (Recommendations welcome.)
Lisa Ciccarello, I Only Thought of the Farm
Dean Young, 31 Poems
James Grinwis, Exhibit of Forking Paths
Anis Shivani, My Tranquil War
Linda Bierds, The Ghost Trio (partial read)
Lyn Hejinian, The Language of Inquiry (first part)
Audiobook: Brene Brown: Rising Strong
Bookshelf revisit: C.D. Wright, Steal Away
" " Further Adventures with You
Foucault: Discipline and Punish
Lyn Hejinian: The Language of Inquiry (second part)
C. S. Lewis: A Grief Observed
Pauline Boss: Ambiguous Loss
Jennifer L. Knox: Days of Shame and Failure
Necropastorals: Mary Austin Speaker
Some Planet: Jamie Mortara
Poets and Pints one year Anthology
Verlyn Klinkenborg: Several Short Sentences About Writing
Franny Choi: Floating, Brilliant, Gone
Bookshelf revisit: Kazim Ali: Fasting for Ramadan
Audiobook: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah
Lyn Hejinian: The Language of Inquiry (last part)
Mary Karr: The Art of Memoir
Steve Roggenbuck: Live my Lief
Bookshelf Revisit: Nick Flynn: Another Bullshit Night in Suck City
Upton Sinclair: The Jungle
Audiobook: Roxanne Gay: Bad Feminist
Wendy Xu: You Are Not Dead
Mary Karr: Lit
Jennifer Tamayo: Red Missed Aches....
Henri Michaux transl. by Paige Taggart: I Am Writing to You from Another Country
Juliet Patterson: Epilogue
Brian Blanchfield: Proxies
Audiobook: David Foster Wallace: Infinite Jest (1/5th)
Hieu Minh Nguyen: This Way to the Sugar
Lee Ann Brown: Polyverse
Laura's unpublished manuscript
Luke Pingel: Happy Apocalypse Day manuscript
Gary McDowell: Mysteries in a World that Thinks there are None
Emily St. John Mandel: Station Eleven
Michael Robins: Ladies & Gentlemen
Audiobook: Vincent Pedre: Happy Gut
Brett's manuscript
Nicelle Davis: The Walled-Up Wife
Franz Kafka: Aphorisms
Ed Skoog: Rough Day
Mary Biddinger: O Holy Insurgency
Juan Felipe Herrera: Facegames
Audiobook: Zadie Smith: White Teeth
Thomas Foster: How to Read Literature Like a Professor
Cole Swensen: Ours
Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz: Enigmas
Hugh Behm-Steinberg: The Opposite of Work
Dorothea Laskey: Black Life
Leslie Adrienne Miller: Y
Haley Lasche: Where it Leads
Audiobook: Ta-Nehisi Coates: Between the World and Me
Joni Tevis: the World is on Fire
Francine Sterle: What Thread?
Robin Coste Lewis: Voyage of the Sable Venus
Sun Yung Shin, Ed: A Good Time for the Truth: Race in Minnesota
Katie Rauk: Buried Choirs
Diane Seuss: Wolf Lake, White Gown Blown Open
Karen Babine: Water and What we Know
Audiobook: Patti Smith: M Train
Lydia Yuknavich: the Chronology of Water (half)
DJ Dolack: Whittling a New Face in the Dark
Timothy Liu: Burnt Offerings
Diane Seuss: Four Legged Girl
Sarah Manguso: Ongoingness
Bookshelf revisit: Brooklyn Copeland: Borrowed House
Audiobook: Haruki Murakami: the wind-up Bird Chronicles
Ruth Ozeki: My Year of Meats
Shane McCrae: In Canaan
Inger Christensen: Alphabet (reread)
Sarah Manguso: Two Kinds of Decay
Seamus Heaney trans. Sophocles: A Burial at Thebes (reread)
Theresa Hak Kyung Cha: Dictee
Inger Christensen: It
MC Hyland: Mississippi Walk Poems
Li-Young Lee: Behind my Eyes (reread)
Lydia Yuknavivich: The Chronology of Water (half)